Satın Alma Koşulları

1. Siparis formunun urun aciklamasi bolumunde siparis edilen urun veya hizmetin tam aciklamasi, siparisle istenen tum teknik ozellik veya standart acikca yazmaktadir; The full description of the product or service ordered in the product description section of the purchase order form clearly states all technical specifications or standards required with the order.

2. Siparis formunun miktar bolumunde siparis edilen urun veya hizmet miktari acikca yazmaktadir; Tedarikci firma is bu siparis formunun yukarida belirtilen bolumlerindeki urun hizmeti tam ve eksiksiz olarak asagidaki hususlari da dikkate alarak tedarigini saglamalidir. The quantity of products or services ordered is clearly stated in the quantity section of the purchase order form; The Supplier Company must ensure that the product service in the above-mentioned sections of this order form is fully and completely supplied by considering the following points.

3. Tedarikci firma asagidaki belge ve sertifkalari saglamakla yukumludur: The supplier is obliged to provide the following documents and certificates:

3.1. Malzemenin belirtilen standardi karsiladigini belgeleyen herturlu test ve benzeri onay belgeleri, All kinds of tests and similar approval documents certifying that the material meets the specified standard,

3.2. Tedarikci firmanin alt tedarkci kullanmasi durumunda alt tedarikcileride iceren herturlu izlenebilirlik belgeleri (alt tedarikci teslimat fisi, sertifka v.b.), If the supplier uses a sub-supplier, all kinds of Traceability documents (sub-supplier delivery work, certificate etc.),

3.3. Tedarkci firmadan ve varsa alt-tedarkci firmadan istenmesi durumunda herturlu urun tasarimi veya uretim proseslerini iceren belgeler, Documents containing any product design or production processes if requested from the supplier and, if any, the sub-supplier,

3.4. Tedarkci firmanin ve varsa alt-tedarikci firmalarin CoC belgeleri, CoC Belgeleri asagidaki ifadeleri icermeleridir: The CoC documents of the supplying company and, if any, sub-supplier companies, CoC Documents contain the following statements:

3.4.1. HSF firmasinin tam ve acik adi, adresi, Full and clear name and address of the HSF company,

3.4.2. HSF firmasinin siparis (proje referans) no, HSF Company's order (project reference) number,

3.4.3. Siparis edilen urun veya hizmetin tam adi, siparis edilen miktari, teslim edilen miktari, Full name of the product or service ordered, quantity ordered, quantity delivered,

3.4.4. Teslim edilen urune iliskin uygulanan herturlu standart veya ugulamanin tam adi veya uluslararasi gecerliligi olan kodu, The full name or internationally valid code of any standard or application applied to the delivered product,

3.4.5. Siparis edilen urunlerin herturlu dis etkene ve korozyona karsi uygun saklama kosullarinda teslimatin yapildiginin taahhut edilmesi, Undertaking that the ordered products are delivered under suitable storage conditions against all kinds of external factors and corrosion,

4. Tedarkci firma siparis edilen urun veya hizmete iliskin bilgi ve belgeleri hicbir kosul altinda HSF frmasinin ust yonetiminin izni ve onayi olmadan 3. sahis veya firmalarla paylasamaz, The Supplier cannot share information and documents regarding the ordered product or service with third parties or companies under no circumstances without the consent and approval of the top management of the HSF company,

5. Uygunsuz urun tespit edilmesi durumunda firmamiza bilgi verilmelidir. Uygun olmayan urun imha edilmeyip yada hurda olarak atilmayip ayri paketlenmeli ve uygun olmayan urun etiketi vurularak firmamiza sevk edilmelidir, In case an inappropriate product is detected, our company should be informed. Unsuitable product should not be destroyed or disposed of as scrap, but should be packaged separately and shipped to our company by hitting the label of the inappropriate product,

6. Imalat adresinin degismesi, uretim sureci ve tekniginin degismesi durumunda firmamiz onceden bilgilendirilerek uretim onayi tekrar alindiktan sonra uretime devam edilmelidir, In case the manufacturing address changes, the production process and technique change, our company should be informed in advance and production should continue after the production approval is obtained again,

7. Tedarikci firma siparise konu herturlu bilgi ve belgeyi aksi belirtilmedikce en az 10 (on) yil saklamakla yukumludur, The Supplier is obliged to keep all information and documents subject to the order for at least 10 (ten) years, unless otherwise specified,

8. Bitmis urunlerin sevkiyati aksi belirtilmedikce siparis formunda belirtilen teslimat adresine yapilacaktir, The shipment of finished products will be made to the delivery address specified in the order form, unless otherwise specified.

9. Tedarikci firma hicbir kosul altinda sahte parca veya alternatif urun teslim edemez, Under no circumstances can the supplier deliver counterfeit parts or alternative products,

10. Tedarikci firma siparise konu urunleri fazladan uretme, elinde numune tutma veya alternatif urun amacli kullanamaz, The Supplier cannot use the products subject to the order for excess production, sample holding or alternative products,

11. Siparise konu urun veya hizmet icin tedarikci firma kendi alt tum tedarikcilerini belgelendirme ve izlenebilirligini saglayabilmelidir, For the product or service subject to the order, the supplier must be able to provide certification and traceability of all sub-suppliers,

12. Tedarikci firma is bu satin almaya konu urun veya hizmet icin firma ici tum calisanlarinin bilgi koruma ve urun guvenligini saglamakla yukumludur, The supplier is obliged to ensure the information protection and product safety of all employees within the company for the product or service subject to this purchase,

13. Malzeme Paketleri uzerinde firma ismi, siparis no, HSF siparis no, tanim, miktar ve tarih bilgilerini iceren etiket bulunmalidir, There should be a label containing the company name, order number, HSF order number, description, amount and date information on the Material Packages,

14. Malzemelerin depolama ve sevkiyat sirasinda zarar gormemesi tedarikci firma sorumlulugundadir, It is the supplier's responsibility to ensure that the materials are not damaged during storage and shipment,

15. Malzeme uretim ve test islemleri icin HSF tarafindan verilecek alt malzeme takim ve aparat, kalip gibi ekipmanin uygun kosullarda muhafazasi firmaniz sorumlulugundadir. Eksik veya hatali ekipman teslimatinda tedarikci firma durumu 7 is gunu icerisinde bildirmekle sorumludur, It is your responsibility to keep the equipment such as sub-material, tool and tool, mold, which will be provided by HSF for material production and testing, under suitable conditions. The supplier is responsible for notifying the situation within 7 working days in the case of missing or faulty equipment delivery. It is your responsibility to keep the equipment such as sub-material, tool and tool, mold, which will be provided by HSF for material production and testing, under suitable conditions. The supplier is responsible for notifying the situation within 7 working days in case of missing or defective equipment deliveries.

16. Siparis emri gereksinimlerine uygunlugun test/muayene edilmesi, dogrulanmasi, onaylanmasi veya gecerli kilmasi amaciyla, HSF ve/veya ilgili musterisi; urun ve hizmetler, yari mamul urunlerin muayeneleri, yontemler, ekipmanlar, urun ve hizmetin dagitilmasi, sevkiyati, proses ve/veya kalite sistem denetimlerine alt sozlesmecinin ve alt sozlesmecinin kendi alt yuklenicilerinin tesislerinde inceleme/ gerceklestirme hakkini sakli tutar. Urun ve hizmetin onayi, metot, proses, ekipman, dagitim ve sevkiyati kapsar. Siparis durumunda belirtilen gereksinimleri kanitlayan belgeler (kalite, imalat gereksinimleri vb.) malzeme ile gonderilecektir. For the purpose of testing / inspection, verification, validation or validation of compliance with the purchase order requirements, HSF and / or its respective customer; products and services, inspection of semi-finished products, methods, reserves the right to inspect / perform the distribution, shipment, process and / or quality system audits of the equipment, product and service at the facilities of the subcontractor and the subcontractor's own subcontractors. It covers the approval of the product and service, method, process, equipment, distribution and shipment. Documents (quality, manufacturing requirements, etc.) proving the requirements specified in the order situation will be sent with the material.

17. Teadrikci, siparis emri kapsaminda islerin gerceklestirildigi veya gerceklestirilmesi planlanan tesislerine, alt sozlesmecinin kendi alt yuklenicilerinin tesisleri de dahil olmak uzere, her turlu tesise ve kayitlara, HSF'in erisimini saglayacaktir. Yukarida belirtilen malzemeler tarafiniza gonderilen dokumanlara ve teklif mektubunda belirtilen Kalite Gereksinimlerine uygun uretilecegi/islem gorecegi ve denetlenerek teslim edilecegi kabul edilmis olur. Siparis durumunda yukarida belirtilen Kalite gereksinimlerini kanitlayan belgeler malzeme ile gonderilecektir, kalite tarafindan uygun gorulmeyen urunlere iliskin tum masrafar tedarikci firmaya aittir. The supplier shall provide HSF access to all facilities and records, including the facilities of the subcontractor's own subcontractors, where the works are carried out or planned to be carried out under the purchase order. It is acknowledged that the above-mentioned materials will be produced / processed in accordance with the documents sent to you and the Quality Requirements specified in the offer letter and will be delivered after being inspected. In case of order, documents proving the above-mentioned Quality requirements will be sent with the material, all costs related to products that are not approved by the quality belong to the supplier.

18. HSF periyodik olarak tedarikci performanslarini takip eder, degerlendirir ve tedarikci firmalara bildirir, HSF periodically monitors and evaluates supplier performances and reports them to suppliers,

19. Ozel gereksinimler, kritik husus, anahtar ozellikler, tasarim ve gelistirme gereklilikleri siparis durumunda belirtilen gereksinimlerini de kanitlayan belgeler gonderilecektir, Documentation will be sent to prove the specific requirements, critical issue, key features, design and development requirements specified in the order case,

20. Tedarikci firmalar, bu is emri gereksinimlerini kapsayacak sekilde HSF tarafindan kabul edilebilen bir kalite yonetim sistemine sahip olacak ve bu sistemin surekliligini saglayacaktir. Kalite yonetim sisteminin guncel uygun bir standardin sartlarini saglamak durumundadir, Suppliers will have a quality management system that can be accepted by HSF to cover these work order requirements and ensure the continuity of this system. The quality management system has to provide the conditions of a current appropriate standard,

21. Tedarikci firma, bu is emri gereksinimlerini kapsayacak sekilde HSF'in onayi olmadan hic bir prosesi alt yuklenicilerine yaptiramaz, The Supplier Company cannot have its subcontractors do any process without the approval of HSF to cover these work order requirements,

22. Tedarikci firma, guvenilir kaynaklardan parca tedarik etmek, tedarik edilen parcalarin gercek ve uygun oldugundan emin olmak, counterfeits (sahte/taklit parca) olarak adlandirilan parcalari kontrol etmek ve bu parcalarin kullanimini onlemekle yukumludur. HSF'e gonderilen herhangi bir sahte parca veya malzemenin ortaya cikmasi, uygun oldugunda, musterilere, raporlama yapan devlet kurumlarina, endustri destekli raporlama programlarina ve cezai sorusturma yetkililerine bildirilecektir.HSF giris kalite kontrol sirasinda ve/veya uretim esnasinda tespit edilen sahte parcalar ile ilgili geri odeme talep etme ve uygunsuz urunun faturasini odememe hakkini sakli tutar, The supplier is obliged to supply parts from reliable sources, to make sure that the supplied parts are genuine and appropriate, to check the so-called counterfeits (counterfeits) and to prevent the use of these parts. The discovery of any counterfeit parts or materials sent to HSF will be reported to customers, reporting government agencies, industry-sponsored reporting programs and criminal investigation authorities, as appropriate. reserves the right to demand payment and not pay the invoice for the inappropriate product,

23. Is bu siparis formunun tedarikci firma tarafindan kabul edilip, siparisin isleme alinmasi siparis formunun imzalanmasina bakilmaksizin tum kosullarin kabul edildigi anlamina gelir. The acceptance of this order form by the supplier and the processing of the order means that all conditions are accepted regardless of the signing of the order form.

HSF Savunma Havacilik Uretim Sanayi Ltd. Sti.

Adres Address: Maliköy Baskent Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 19. Cadde No: 13 Sincan 06609 Ankara Türkiye

Telefon Telephone: 90.312.6401021-24-25

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