HSF Savunma Havacilk Uretim Sanayi Ltd. Sti. (‘‘HSF’’) tarafindan, 6698 Sayi Kisisel Verilerin Korunmasi Kanunu’nun (“KVK Kanunu”) ilgili hukumlerine uygun olarak, HSF musterilerinin, ziyaretcilerin, ucuncu kisilerin, HSF tedarikcilerinin, HSF hissedarlarinin, HSF yetkililerinin kisisel verileri veya sirket bilgilerini özenle islenmekte ve korunmaktadir. HSF Savunma Havaclik Uretim Sanayi Ltd. Sti. ('' HSF ''), in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law No.6698 ("PDPL"), the personal data and or company information of HSF customers, visitors, third parties, HSF suppliers, HSF shareholders, HSF officials are carefully processed and protected.
Bu kapsamda; In this context;
1. Sirket bilgileri veya kisisel verilerin, kanunlara uygun sekilde asagida belirtilen hususlarla ilgili olarak, HSF tarafindan tutulmasina ve KVK Kanunu cercevesinde acik rizam bulundugunu kabul ve beyan ederim. I accept and declare that I have explicit consent within the framework of the PDPL to keep company information or personal data by HSF in accordance with the law regarding the matters stated below.
1.a) islenebilecegi, can be processed,
1.b) elde edilebilecegi, can be obtained,
1.c) kaydedilebilecegini, can be saved,
1.d) fiziksel veya elektronik ortamda guvenli bir sekilde depolanabilecegini, it can be safely stored in physical or electronic environment,
1.e) kanun ve mevzuata uygun bicimde aciklanabilecegini ve aktarilabilecegini, it can be disclosed and transmitted in accordance with the law and legislation,
1.f) devralinabilecegini, it can be taken over,
1.g) siniflandirilabilecegini, can be classified,
1.h) verilerin kullanilmasinin engellenebilecegini, the use of data can be prevented,
2. HSF’ye basvurarak kendim veya temsile yetkili oldugum tuzel kisilikle ilgili asagidaki hususlarda talepte bulunabilme hakkina sahip oldugumu kabul ediyorum. By applying to HSF, I accept that I have the right to make a request about myself or the legal entity that I am authorized to represent on the following issues.
2.a) kisisel veya sirket bilgilerin islenip islenmedigini ögrenme, learning whether personal or company information is being processed,
2.b) kisisel veya sirket bilgilerinin islenmisse buna iliskin bilgi talep etme, if personal or company information has been processed, to request information regarding this,
2.c) kisisel veya sirket bilgilerinin islenme amacini ve bunlarin amacina uygun kullanilip kullanilmadigini ögrenme, learning the purpose of processing personal or company information and whether they are used appropriately for their purpose,
2.d) yurt icinde veya yurt disinda kisisel veya sirket bilgilerinin aktarildigi ucuncu kisileri bilme, to know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal or company information is transferred,
2.e) kisisel veya sirket bilgilerin eksik veya yanlis islenmis olmasi hâlinde bunlarin duzeltilmesini isteme, to request correction of personal or company information in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
2.f) verilerin islenmesini gerektiren sebeplerin ortadan kalkmasi hâlinde verilerin silinmesini veya yok edilmesini isteme, to request the deletion or destruction of the data in the event that the reasons requiring the processing of the data disappear,
2.g) bu duzeltme ve silinme taleplerinin verilerin aktarildigi ucuncu kisilere bildirilmesini isteme, to request that these correction and deletion requests be notified to third parties to whom data is transferred,
2.h) islenen verilerin munhasiran otomatik sistemler vasitasiyla analiz edilmesi suretiyle kendi aleyhine veya temsile yetkili oldugum sirket aleyhine bir sonucun ortaya cikmasina itiraz etme, objecting to the occurrence of a result against you or the company that I am authorized to represent, by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems
2.i) kisisel verilerimin kanuna aykiri olarak islenmesi sebebiyle zarara ugramasi hâlinde zararin giderilmesini talep etme. to request the compensation of the damage in case my personal data is damaged due to unlawful processing.
Is bu talep ve haklar ancak islak imzali olarak posta yoluyla veya direk elden veya noter kanaliyla veya hasan.demir@hsfsavunma.com (ulasti teyidi yazili almak kosuluyla) adresine e-posta yoluyla veya KVK Kanunu’nda belirtilen diger yöntemler ile iletmelidir. Fakat adli durum gerektirmesi durumunda HSF adli makamlara basvurma hakkini sakli tutmaktadir. These demands and rights should only be transmitted with wet signature by mail or directly by hand or through a notary public or via e-mail to the address hasan.demir@hsfsavvantaj.com (provided that the confirmation is received in writing) or by other methods specified in the PPDL. However, HSF reserves the right to apply to judicial authorities in case a judicial situation requires it.
3. Ayrica, HSF ile paylasilan verilerin dogru ve guncel oldugunu; isbu bilgilerde degisiklik olmas halinde degisiklikleri HSF’ye bildirecegimi kabul ve beyan ederim. Furthermore, the data shared with HSF is accurate and up to date; I accept and declare that I will notify HSF in case of any change in this information.
4. KVK Kanunu’nda tanimlanan özel nitelikli kisisel verilerim de dahil olmak uzere ilgili kisisel verilerimin islenmesine, ilgili surec kapsaminda islenme amaci ile sinirli olmak uzere kullanilmasina ve paylasilmasina, gereken sure zarfinda saklanmasina acik rizam oldugunu ve bu hususta tarafima gerekli aydinlatmanin yapildigini; isbu metni okudugumu ve anladigimi beyan ediyor, Kisisel Verilerin Korunmasi Kanunu cercevesinde acik rizam bulundugunu onayliyorum. I have explicit consent to the processing of my personal data, including my personal data of special nature defined in the PPDL, to its use and sharing limited to the purpose of processing within the scope of the relevant process, to its storage within the required period, and that the necessary enlightenment has been provided to me on this matter; I declare that I have read and understood this text and I confirm that I have explicit consent within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Law.
HSF Savunma Havacilik Üretim Sanayi Ltd. Sti.
Adres Address: Maliköy Baskent Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 19. Cadde No: 13 Sincan 06609 Ankara Türkiye
Telefon Telephone: 90.312.6401021-24-25